Filmography Club

with Jason Caviness

Film fanatic Jason Caviness pores over an auteur's full filmography with a cast of cinephiles.


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Denis Villeneuve: Dune Part One

Denis Villeneuve: Dune Part One

March 28th, 2022

We're joined by D. Patrick Rodgers to wrap up season 3 with a look at the 2021 Villeneuve epic, Dune Part One.

Jason Caviness


I'm Jason Caviness, a film enthusiast but not a cinephile. I have a passion for movies both as an escapist entertainment and as an art form but my appreciation for the finer details is relatively new. Only in the last five or six years have I taken interest in what makes a "Good" movie. What makes a scene work? Before that, I knew that I liked or didn't like a movie but I really couldn't tell you why.

Simply put, I'm a layman with a lot of curiosity. My hope is that this podcast will serve to inform and entertain you, the audience, but more selfishly I hope to use this as an excuse to get into conversations with smarter, more intelligent people than myself to learn more about the art form.

What I lack in expertise, I will do my best to make up for in enthusiasm and curiosity.